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2021 Digital World Predictions

Digital Skills Authority

In 2021, we are presented with continued significant challenges, but are filled with hope and the chance to re-ignite toward a better version of ourselves globally, economically and as an inspired humanity in 2022. What will our bridge of hope to 2022 look like? What are the challenges, major shifts and possibilities for 2021?

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In 2021 the race for the ‘Quantum Internet’ ignites. In 2020 NASA scientists had a major breakthrough in the transference of data known as ‘Long Distance Quantum Teleportation’. According to reports, they managed to place data 27-miles away, without any flow of the data in between the start point and the destination. The ‘Quantum Internet’ is now a future reality rather than a possibility. The future Internet will deliver not only instantaneity but an advanced cybersecurity called ‘Quantum Key Distribution’, without the need for encryption, and any hackers leaving a provable trace, making it secure far beyond the realms of today’s Internet and cybersecurity standards.

For citizens, as well as organizations, it provides confidence, but also the opportunity to deliver multi-dimensional media including virtual world content in high-volumes to global audiences without interference or security hindrance. In short, while the Quantum Internet make some years to arrive, the opportunities will be endless.

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